When developer get tools they like, they tend to be more productive. An extensibility in a language of choice, provides the convenience of extensibility without learning a new language. WebAssembly runtime executes bytecode, generated by compiling code written in high level languages - javascript, C, C++, Python, Rust or Golang.
We explore WebAssembly support in EnRoute gateway, and how we can load bytecode generated from custom logic written in a language of choice. into the WebAssembly runtime using EnRoute.
We start with a goal to verify a request, validate it’s schema and transform the request. We use custom code that is compiled and loaded into the WebAssembly runtime, to achieve this
WASM support is a part of EnRoute Community Edition which is free to use without any enterprise license.
What This Article Covers
The following steps walk through what’s needed to work with a request
Install EnRoute with WASM support
Install example workload
Program EnRoute to make the service externally available
Create a WebAssembly filter
Enable WebAssembly filter for service
Ensure request MAC is validated and transform request to redact sensitive information
Ensure JSON schema is validated
Next we go through the above mentioned steps in detail. We also look at how to build a WebAssembly image in compat variant which is then loaded into the Envoy WebAssembly runtime by EnRoute
Install EnRoute With WASM Support
WASM support is provided in a separate EnRoute image. It can be installed using the following helm command after adding the helm repo and installing the enroute image with wasm tag
The JSON validation checks for presence of a few JSON elements in the payload and the format of certain fields. In the above payload, it checks for type, id, title, body and verifies the format of created and updated files to ensure valid dates are provided.
Here is the code and it’s flow to achieve validate, verify, transform functions. The code can also be found on the saarasio github repo
Accumulate Request Body And Call Validate, Verify And Transform Functions
func (ctx *validateVerifyTransformContext) OnHttpRequestBody(bodySize int, endOfStream bool) types.Action {
proxywasm.LogInfo("OnHttpRequestBody from Go!")
ctx.totalRequestBodySize += bodySize
if !endOfStream {
// Wait until we see the entire body to replace.
return types.ActionPause
jsonBody, err := proxywasm.GetHttpRequestBody(0, ctx.totalRequestBodySize)
if err != nil {
proxywasm.LogErrorf("failed to get request body: %v", err)
return types.ActionContinue
if ctx.digestValueRead {
secretKey := ""
vererr, received, computed := Verify(jsonBody, ctx.digestValue, secretKey)
proxywasm.LogInfof("WASM:OnHttpRequestBody() Received Digest: [%v] Computed Digest [%v]", received, computed)
if vererr != nil {
if err := proxywasm.SendHttpResponse(400, nil, []byte(vererr.Error()), -1); err != nil {
return types.ActionPause
if received != computed {
if err := proxywasm.SendHttpResponse(400, nil, []byte("Received digest doesn't match computed digest\n"), -1); err != nil {
return types.ActionPause
valerr := ValidateJSON(&jsonBody)
if valerr != nil {
if err := proxywasm.SendHttpResponse(400, nil, []byte(valerr.Error()), -1); err != nil {
return types.ActionPause
return types.ActionContinue
func ValidateJSON(jsonBody *[]byte) error {
// Verify elements are present
paths := [][]string{
[]string{"data", "[0]", "type"},
[]string{"data", "[0]", "id"},
[]string{"data", "[0]", "attributes", "title"},
[]string{"data", "[0]", "attributes", "body"},
[]string{"data", "[0]", "attributes", "created"},
[]string{"data", "[0]", "attributes", "updated"},
match := 0
var created, updated []byte
jsonparser.EachKey(*jsonBody, func(idx int, value []byte, vt jsonparser.ValueType, err error) {
switch idx {
case 0: //
match += 1
case 1: //
match += 1
case 2: //
match += 1
case 3: //
match += 1
case 4: //
match += 1
created = value
case 5: //
match += 1
updated = value
}, paths...)
proxywasm.LogInfof("JSON Schema Validation Success, Match Count [%d]\n", match)
var ret error
// Verify created and updated are in date format
_, err := time.Parse(string(created), string(updated))
if err != nil {
proxywasm.LogError("Failed to parse created, updated")
ret = fmt.Errorf("Failed to parse created, updated")
if match != 6 {
ret = fmt.Errorf("Failed to validate json schema")
proxywasm.LogInfo("JSON Field Validation Success, Validated Created, Updated \n")
return ret
WebAssembly provides a flexible extension mechanism to customize request verification, validation and transformation. WebAssembly in a proxy implements the proxy-wasm abi spec, that is implemented by SDKs. The SDKs in different languages provide a mechanism to interface with WebAssembly runtime. We use the go sdk that implements the proxy-wasm abi spec to achieve this.
The code generated in the above step is compiled to WASM using the WASI libc when compiling using tinygo The bytecode generated after the compilation is packaged into a WASM artifact in compat variant that is then loaded into the Envoy WebAssembly runtime.
In the next article we cover how to build a compat variant of an image that can be loaded by EnRoute and details on proxy-wasm ABI that let’s us recieve callbacks for request processing.